A Parfait Mother’s Day Treat

One of our favorite ideas at Cooking Matters is using recipes as frameworks. One of our favorite kid-friendly recipe frameworks is this yogurt parfait. It’s simple, versatile, and a great way to stock up on fruits and whole grains for the day.  Though this is a light,...

The Story of Brenda

Programs [shortmenu menu=”Programs” enhance=”false” is_responsive=”true” ] Get Involved [shortmenu menu=”Get Involved” enhance=”false” is_responsive=”true” ] Giving DONATE The Story of Brenda This...

Snow Days Aren’t Always Fun

On Friday, January 12th─as they do every Friday─ many schools in Arkansas sent food backpacks home with students they knew would be at risk of not getting enough to eat over the weekend. Because school would be out on Monday for the Martin Luther King holiday, schools...