Delta Dental Grant Announcement

Feb 5, 2020 | Blog

Cooking Matters was awarded a Community Grant from the Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation, which seeks to improve access to oral health care in underserved areas by funding initiatives that provide preventative services or treatment for individuals of all ages, ethnicities, genders, and socioeconomic statuses in Arkansas. Funds from the grant will be used to develop and implement an oral health addendum to Cooking Matters for Adults curriculum, highlighting the connections between good oral hygiene, nutrition, and overall wellness. 

“Digestion begins in the mouth, so talking about oral health alongside nutrition education is a natural fit. You can’t have one without the other,” says registered dietitian and Cooking Matters at the Store field manager Samantha Stadter. “When it comes to dietary and dental health, prevention is key. With this new program, parents will learn how to prepare delicious and healthy meals for their families, how to practice and promote proper oral hygiene with kids, and also be connected to dental providers. Our goal is to help families raise healthy kids with healthy smiles.”

The Alliance is actively looking for dental consultants to help develop an oral health curriculum addendum. We also have $800 course stipends available for partners that will implement the courses. Please contact Alex Handfinger at the Alliance at or 501-399-9999 if you are interested in either of these opportunities. For more information on the Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation, you can check out their website
