Funding Opportunity: Cooking & Gardening with Kids

Ago 15, 2019 | Blog

The Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance and Access to Healthy Foods Research Group at the Arkansas Children’s Research Institute have an exciting funding opportunity to announce thanks to the Kohl’s Cares Foundation! Studies show that children are more likely to prefer fresh fruits and vegetables and have a greater willingness to try new foods when they receive hands-on gardening education along with nutrition education. To that end, $600 stipends are available to support the implementation of Cultivando mi plato, an addendum for integrating garden activities into the six-session Cooking Matters for Kids o Teens curricula. These funds can be used to purchase necessary kitchen equipment, recipe ingredients, gardening supplies and materials, and additional recipe ingredients to send home with students.

In order to participate, you must receive Cooking Matters training from the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance, provide a budget report, administer pre- and post-test surveys to students, and return all requested paperwork within one week of your course completing.

If interested, please contact Cooking Matters Director Alex Handfinger ( or call 501-399-9999) to discuss this opportunity. Please have considered the following: possible collaboration with other community organizations, target time frame, recruitment of students, access to a garden, and access to kitchen facility (by no means is a full kitchen necessary; hot plates can do the trick too!). We look forward to hearing from you!
