Our No Kid Hungry team supported the award of over $305,000 in summer meal implementation grants, sponsored by our national Ningún niño hambriento partner Comparte nuestra fuerza.
Seventeen school districts were awarded funds to support their summer meal distribution efforts, including: Berryville, Dermott, Hermitage, Horatio, Jackson County, Lake Hamilton, Lonoke, Marion, Melbourne, Mena, Monticello, Osceola, Paris, Searcy, Shirley, Spring Hill, and Stuttgart.
Horatio High School
Searcy School District
Lake Hamilton School District
Additionally, two community organizations were awarded summer grants: Divine Faith Ministries serving rural Madison County and Sowers of the Harvest serving Union County. At SOS’s request, we narrowed NKH summer 2023 grant outreach and awards to only those applicants offering rural, non-congregate meal service (flexible meal delivery such as parent pick up or community site drop off) as permitted by Congress under the Omnibus spending measure passed in December. Because of the greater than predicted number of strong grant requests from Arkansas school districts providing non-congregate meal service, SOS increased the total amount of funding for summer 2023 grant awards in Arkansas by over $60,000 to cover the need.
Join our No Kid Hungry Youth Ambassador, Jamee McAdoo, as she visits summer meal sites and talks to school child nutrition teams.
Watch a few of her videos below and see her entire collection on our YouTube channel.