Hunger Action Recipes

Sep 1, 2023 | Blog

We asked “Chef Laim” to share Cooking Matters recipes he selected for Hunger Action Month










Holiday Roasted Butternut SquashOf all the squash in the world, this winter variety is my favorite. It’s so versatile and lends itself to a variety of flavor profiles and dishes. Plus, it happens to be a low-calorie high-fiber squash rich in important vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting antioxidants. You are going to love the nutty maple aromas this dish adds to your holiday spread!

Pumpkin Muffins: Pumpkin is another great squash. In my opinion, there are few desserts better than a muffin. These pumpkin muffins are so easy to assemble and, with a tiny bit of prep, you can get your young chefs involved, too!

Fall Vegetable Salad: As I begin to think about fall, I start shopping for the leafy greens that grow best during this season. Kale actually falls into the cabbage family and is full of fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals. Paired with apples, nuts, and your choice of barley, couscous, or quinoa, this salad is light, crispy, and refreshing – everything I look for in a healthy salad and I hope you’ll enjoy making this dish!

Baked Apples: Fall is the best time of year in the United States for apples. There are so many ways to consume them: apple pie, apple crisp, applesauce, and now, baked apples! These are so easy to make and are sure to win the hearts of your family, especially if they enjoy the aroma of our beloved holiday spices and seasonings. Bon appetit!



