The New Nutrition Facts Label   

Feb 5, 2020 | Blog

You may have already started noticing some changes to the Nutrition Facts label on some products in the grocery store. This long-awaited update makes some much-needed improvements to the food label, making it more relevant and useful for consumers. The changes are based on the latest findings in nutrition science and are designed to help consumers make more informed choices. After being announced by the Food and Drug administration in 2016, food manufacturers were not required to begin using the new label until January 1 of this year. You may not see the label all food products just yet, as smaller food companies have until January 2021 to comply with the update.

Check on the image below for some details on the changes. I’m most excited about an update to serving sizes, which are now required to more accurately reflect how much a person tends to eat in one sitting. With a more realistic serving size, consumers can more easily get an idea of how many calories or added sugars they’re taking in. Information about added sugars is also a new addition. Studies have found a relationship between added sugars and undesirable health outcomes, and the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting added sugars to no more than 50 grams/day for a 2,000 calorie diet. However, the American Heart Association, recommends that women limit their intake to 25 grams/day and men to about 37 grams/day. Whatever your nutrition goals, information about added sugars will make choosing healthier products at the store easier for everyone. 

For more information on the new label, visit the Food and Drug Administration’s website. 

What do you think of the new label? Will it change how you shop? 

