Healthy School Meals for All: Interview with Kristy Anderson, American Heart Association

Sep 28, 2021 | Blog

With Healthy School Meals for All, There Is Such a Thing as a Free Lunch

Reading, writing … and a really nutritious lunch? That’s what’s on the menu this upcoming school year. The federal government extended healthy school meals for all – as a response to the ongoing pandemic – through the 2021-22 school year so that all students can eat free meals at school regardless of family income.

While this is a win for students, their families and schools, the future of heathy school meals for all beyond this school year is unknown. Kristy Anderson, MPP, the senior government relations advisor for the American Heart Association is working to take this temporary program and make it a permanent one. Voices for Healthy Kids sat down with her to gain insight into healthy school meals for all and why it should be here to stay.

Please click this link to read Kristy Anderson’s interview in its entirety on the website of Alliance partner American Heart Association Voices for Healthy Kids:
