Arkansas’s Food Banks Set Record Numbers

 As the economy struggles to recover and one in six Arkansans aren’t sure where their next meal will come from, Arkansas’s food banks have stepped up to help insure that no one goes hungry.  Their combined efforts in 2013 put an astonishing 33,648,363 meals into our...

Tell Our Members of Congress To Protect SNAP. Why?

75% of Arkansans who are receiving SNAP benefits are in families with children. Families are struggling to make ends meet. With the unemployment rate in Arkansas above 7%,   the reduction in SNAP benefits that went into effect on November 1st, and the possibility that...


Thanksgiving is a distinctly American tradition. We all know the history of our Native American brothers and sisters who shared their bounty with the hungry Pilgrims. Giving thanks for all that we have and for all the people we love is at the heart of this very...

5 Reasons You Should Join the Alliance

With budgets tight and getting tighter by the day, hunger relief agencies are looking for additional resources to expand programs or help them meet the demand for emergency food. For some agencies the need is for increased shelving in their pantries, for others it may...