New report from partner MAZON: Hungry in the Military

Apr 13, 2021 | Blog

A new report from the Alliance’s partner organization MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger details the persistent food insecurity among currently serving military families.

“Despite the fact that solutions are both possible and readily available, Congress has paid lip service to supporting our troops while consistently failing our servicemembers by doing next to nothing to ensure that the members of our military who sacrifice to keep us safe can feed themselves and their families,” said Abby J. Leibman, President and CEO of MAZON and co-author of the report. “Even one military family facing food insecurity is unconscionable. The hunger crisis in the military has only gotten worse amid the pandemic. It’s a persistent problem that is deliberately obfuscated and doesn’t receive nearly the attention it deserves. We are pleased to release today’s report, which summarizes MAZON’s justice-centered approach to tackle the structural problems that allow hunger to continue, especially among military families.”

To read the full report, click here:
