No Kid Hungry
Working to eliminate childhood hunger by reaching kids where they live, work, and play.
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Our Out of School Programs Director helps schools, faith-based organizations, civic groups, and other local organizations connect with the resources they need to provide nutritious meals to children in their communities when school is not in session.
Through capacity building grants and technical assistance, we help meal sponsors develop educational enrichment aspects of their programs and improve their capacity to serve more children. Children are especially vulnerable to food insecurity in the summer months. Family budgets are tight, parents are working, and nutrition often takes a back seat. Our team supports schools and community organizations develop sustainable programs that provide meals to children throughout the summer months.

Jasmine Zandi
Have questions about our Out of School Program? Please contact Jasmine Zandi.
After school
After school enrichment programs can receive cash reimbursement from the USDA for snacks and meals under USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). This program is available statewide, and in Arkansas is administered by the Arkansas Department of Human Services.
USDA link for information on CACFP: https://www.fns.usda.gov/cacfp
Local State Agency DHS Link on CACFP: https://dhs.arkansas.gov/dccece/snp/WelcomeSNPM.aspx
Find a SUmmer Meals Site Near You
There are USDA authorized Summer Meals Sites in almost every county in Arkansas. When the last day of school is drawing near, parents and caregivers can find a summer meals site in their communities by:
Going to https://www.fns.usda.gov/meals4kids for an interactive map that will show meal sites near you.
Calling 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (a live operator will ask for your address and give you a list of sites.)
Texting “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 (you will be asked for your zip code and receive a list of sites in your area). The site is updated continually as more summer feeding sites are added to the program. If you go to the site and no information is available, try again closer to the last days of the school year.
To ensure Arkansas children have free, nutritious meals and snacks during the summer months, it’s critical to have sponsors and locations in communities all across the state. Those eligible for USDA reimbursement as summer meals sponsors may be school districts, faith-based organizations, non-profit organizations, local civic groups, regional food banks, and local government agencies. Summer meal programs are administered in Arkansas by the Arkansas Department of Human Services (Summer Food Service Programs-SFSP). Schools interested in participating in serving meals during the summer also have the option of working with the Arkansas Department of Education to participate in the Seamless Summer Option. Alliance staff offers assistance to potential sponsors with the application process, as well as with volunteer recruitment and outreach.
If you are interested in becoming a new summer meals sponsor or expanding your access to your current programming, contact Jasmine Zandi, Out of School Programs Director at jzandi@arhungeralliance.org or call 501-399-9999.

Are You In Need?
We would like to help you find the resources you need.

200 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1300
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
The Alliance Alert goes out to members, advocates and others who want to stay up on hunger issues in Arkansas. See our latest newsletter.
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