Share Our Strength’s Lucy Melcher on End of Child Nutrition Bill

Dec 7, 2016 | Blog

Share Our Strength’s Lucy Melcher on End of Child Nutrition Bill

by | Dec 7, 2016


By Christy Felling
Director of Strategic Communications
December 7, 2016


Melcher: “Congress missed the opportunity to end summer hunger for millions of kids in need.”

12/07/16, Washington, D.C. – Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, announced yesterday that efforts to pass the reauthorization of child nutrition programs in the 114th Congress have come to an end. The following is a statement from Share Our Strength’s Director of Advocacy and Government Relations, Lucy Melcher.

“Congress will soon adjourn for the year without passing Child Nutrition Reauthorization. This was a huge missed opportunity that will have a negative impact on hungry children across the nation.

Summer is the hungriest time of year for millions of children across the United States. The national summer meals program has not been fully updated in its 41 year history, and its one-size-fits-all structure struggles to reach a majority of low-income kids who need help getting nutrition when schools are out of session – especially those living in rural communities. And a summer meals program that doesn’t reach kids in need exacerbates the struggles faced by so many children growing up in poverty.

This year, Congress had the opportunity to solve this problem. The Senate crafted efficient, bipartisan legislation that would have improved the summer meals program, strengthened and protected WIC, and enhanced the Child and Adult Care Food Program. It would have effectively made a difference in the lives of millions of kids in need.

With the failure to pass this legislation, Congress not only missed its chance to make a difference but also put these programs in jeopardy moving forward.”



Christy Felling at 202.320.4483 or
