No Kid Hungry Afterschool Grants

Aug 27, 2013 | Blog

afterschool copy 280kWith Arkansas children back in school, we have shifted our focus away from Summer Meals programs and back to making sure kids have access to nutritious meals and snacks in the evening. For many children who eat a free or reduced price breakfast and lunch at school, it can be a long hungry afternoon and evening until they eat again. The USDA  Afterschool Meals Program administered by the Arkansas Department of Human Services Food and Nutrition unit recruits and trains sponsors in communities throughout Arkansas to operate afterschool meals programs that offer nutritious meals and enrichment activities to children after the bell.

Churches, Boys & Girls clubs, community centers, libraries, schools, and other charitable non-profits who become authorized Afterschool Meals sponsors are also eligible to receive up to $1000 in grant money from the Arkansas No Kid Hungry campaign to start or expand existing afterschool programs.

No Kid Hungry capacity building grants average $500  and can go up to $1000. These grants are meant to help sponsors overcome barriers to feeding kids, such as transportation or equipment issues. The Arkansas No Kid Hungry campaign also offers assistance on budgeting, outreach, and volunteer recruiting. If you would like more information about the Afterschool Meals program or Arkansas No Kid Hungry grants, contact Justin Keller at or 501.399.9999. Grant application deadline in October 15, 2013. Visit to download grant application information or for more information about the Afterschool Meals program.
