Our Programs
ways we can help
We work with local and national non-profit organizations as well as state and federal agencies in implementing programs designed to increase access to food and teach low income Arkansans the skills they need to make healthy food choices.
No Kid Hungry
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Food Sourcing
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Gleaning & Gardening
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Nutrition Education
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no kid hungry
With generous support from Share Our Strength, the Arkansas No Kid Hungry campaign is connecting Arkansas children to federal food and nutrition programs including National School Breakfast, Summer Meals and Afterschool meals programs, and families to nutrition education through Cooking Matters and Cooking Matters at the Store, as well as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
The Alliance’s Arkansas No Kid Hungry campaign staff works with school districts and individual schools across the state to introduce Breakfast-After-the-Bell models that make breakfast part of the school day and insure more children get a nutritious breakfast every morning so they begin their days alert and ready to learn.
After school meal program
We connect churches, schools, boys and girls clubs and other organizations that focus on youth with the resources they need to provide meals to children when school is not in session. Additional capacity building grants from our national partner Share Our Strength, help sponsors serve more children and build sustainable programs.
Summer Meal Program
Children are especially vulnerable to food insecurity in the summer months. Our staff identifies organizations that are currently feeding children or want to start a feeding program and helps them apply for the USDA funded Summer Meal Service Program. The Summer Meals Program provides meals to children in safe, supervised locations.
Cooking matters Program
Cooking Matters, an innovative nutrition education program offering 6-week Signature Courses, teaches individuals and families the skills they need to cook healthy meals and get the most from their food budgets.
Cooking matters at the store
Built from the success of the fifth week in the Cooking Matters for Adults course, Cooking Matters at the Store is a free grocery store tour, conducted by trained facilitators at local supermarkets.
Food Assistance Resources
Arkansas’s six Feeding America food banks are at the heart of the Alliance network of hunger relief organizations. The food banks serve as giant distribution sites for millions of pounds of food and other relief items that go out into the regions they serve. These millions of pounds of food are distributed to individuals and families in need by local food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and other non-profit organizations that feed the hungry.
The Alliance helps identify Arkansans who are eligible for SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) but are not currently enrolled.
emergency Food resources
Arkansas’s six regional Feeding America food banks are the most direct information resource for those who find themselves in an emergency food situation. Each regional food bank has member agencies within its service areas that provide food on a daily basis to Arkansans in need.
Other Programs
Arkansas beef project
The Arkansas Beef Project, a program from the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance in partnership with the Arkansas Cattlemen’s Association and Farmers Feeding the World, offers cattle ranchers a unique opportunity to provide a much needed source of protein to many Arkansas children and families in need.
arkansas gleaning project
Gleaning is the biblical practice of hand-gathering crops left after harvest. The Alliance and volunteers glean fields and orchards donated by growers. The fresh produce goes to food banks, local pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters.
Thank you
to just a few of our sponsors



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200 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1300
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
The Alliance Alert goes out to members, advocates and others who want to stay up on hunger issues in Arkansas. See our latest newsletter.
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