Pulaski County and Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance Introduce New Program: Pulaski County Hunger Reduction Initiative

May 26, 2022 | Blog

Pulaski County Hunger Reduction Initiative provides funds for food pantries serving Pulaski County.

Pulaski County and the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance have partnered to create a new program to improve public health and reduce hunger in Pulaski County, especially among senior and homebound residents. The Pulaski County Hunger Reduction Initiative will provide direct support to food pantries serving Pulaski County. The county has provided the Alliance with $500,000 to facilitate the new Initiative. The funds will be used within Pulaski County to improve or establish hunger gardens, purchase food, and improve or establish food delivery programs.

Pulaski County Judge Barry Hyde and the Pulaski County Quorum Court allocated funding for the Pulaski County Hunger Reduction Initiative. The Initiative developed after a successful 2021 Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance pilot program distributed $100,000 in funds to Pulaski County food pantries, impacting 16,708 residents.

“After the tremendous success of last year’s program, it was an easy decision not only to continue, but to expand,” said Pulaski County Judge Barry Hyde. “The Pulaski County Quorum Court saw the value in increasing support to the program, so we’ll be improving our reach in 2022. We recognize that food insecurity is a real problem facing many county residents, especially during the pandemic, and this is one way we can help make food and resources more available to those who are homebound or in underserved and rural areas.”

Please note: This funding is to provide support to current residents of Pulaski County ONLY. Purchases should be made within the county when possible and distributions should be to Pulaski County residents only. GRANT REQUESTS ARE DUE BY JUNE 17, 2022; funds will be announced by July 18, 2022. Applications received after June 17, 2022, will not be considered. Apply for funds through the Pulaski County Hunger Reduction Initiative.

Agencies serving Pulaski County can apply for up to $66,000 between Wednesday, June 1 – Friday, June 17, 2022. Agencies may apply to provide the following services or a combination of services:

Purchase of protein (meat) foods
• Up to $12,000 per grant cycle (to provide immediate protein needs)
• Examples: Beef, pork, poultry, fish, etc.

Purchase of fresh foods
• Up to $12,000 per grant cycle (to provide immediate fresh food needs)
• Examples: Produce Only

Purchase of foods for special diets
• Up to $12,000 per grant cycle (to provide immediate special diet needs).
• Examples: Diabetes diet food & hypertension diet food – details will be found on the grant.

Establish/expand/support delivery programs
• Up to $25,000 per grant cycle to establish a sustainable home delivery program.
• Examples: Vehicle purchase, vehicle refrigeration, fuel, mileage, vehicle registration, thermal bags/blankets, etc.

Establish/expand/support hunger gardens
• Up to $5,000 to establish a new hunger garden providing sustainable, nutritious food for years to come.
• Up to $2,500 to expand and support existing garden programs increasing the amount of sustainable, nutritious food for years to come.

The following information will be required to submit your application:
• Must be a member of the Alliance
• 501(C)(3) letter OR if a church ministry, proof of church affiliation
• Proof of General Liability Insurance
• List of board of directors (with contact information)
• The following financial information:
○ Current annual budget
○ Most recent year’s complete financial statement

Apply for funds through the Pulaski County Hunger Reduction Initiative: https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=ahragrants
Become a member of the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance: https://arhungeralliance.org/get-involved/become-a-member/
